What are the State Frog Leg Laws for the bullfrog hunting season?
State Frog Legs Laws for all 50 states.
State Frog Legs Laws or American Bullfrogs laws in the USA per state. Well if you look below we have a full list of the 50 States to include Washington DC. Each State will show the Laws, Policy, Regulations, Rules for the Possession, Bag limits for Frogs for their Frog Legs. Also each state allowing the hunting or taking of Frogs for frog legs will list what ways or means that you can use to fish, catch or hunt for your frog legs. Most of the information below is from each states Fish and Game or Wildlife laws, policy, regulations per state.
If you have new, more or updated information on the below states, please send it our way and we will get it added if appropriate. Click here to contact TLC Frog Legs.
Hunting Frogs for Frog legs in some states do have limits and regulations.
What are or is my state frog hunting for frog legs laws, rules, regulations and possession bag limits?
Frog Hunting in the States all have different rules, regulations, laws and possession limits. We would highly suggest that you check with your local Fish and Game office on the laws specific to your state and or county. The last thing you want is to get fined or worse than that is a trip to jail because you have a bucket of 20 bullfrogs when you are only allows 10 or 15. Yes some states don't have any limits, rules, laws or possession caps nor dates frog leg hunting seasons,.....but some states do, so be sure and check before you head out bullfrog hunting for frog legs.
Find your state below for the state laws, Limits, seasons, rules, laws & more
when it comes to Frog, bullfrog or frog leg hunting in your state.
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Alaska bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
There are no limits or regulations on frogs in Alaska nor are they sought after for their meat or frog legs (way too small). Alaska believe it or not has 1 species of toad and its the western toad or Bufo boreas, and 2 species of frog, the Columbia spotted frog or Rana luteiventris and the wood frog or Rana sylvatica. Basically you don't want to hunt frogs in Alaska. You would have to catch 1000 frogs to even make a snack!!!! Bottom line is, leave the frogs alone in Alaska.
California bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus): Limit: No limit (c) Open season: All year. The season closures in Chapter 3 (District Trout and Salmon District General Regulations and Special Regulations) do not apply to fishing for amphibians with methods other than hook and line (see sections 7.00 and 7.50(a)(3)). (d) Hours: Amphibians may be taken at any time of day or night. (e) Methods of take: (1) Amphibians may be taken only by hand, handheld dip net, or hook and line, except bullfrogs may also be taken by lights, spears, gigs, grabs, paddles, bow and arrow, or fishing tackle. (2) It is unlawful to use any method or means of collecting that involves breaking apart of rocks, granite flakes, logs, or other shelters in or under which amphibians may be found.
Connecticut bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
From talking to Connecticut officials in the fish and game offices there seems to be no closed season or limits for bull frogs in CT. Connecticut DEEP Wildlife also states that bullfrogs or frogs of any kind are listed under bait species as follows: 26-1 “Bait species” means all species of fish, frogs, crustaceans and insects listed as bait in the regulations issued by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection. 26-127 Conservation of Bait Species- Any person who transports out of this state any bait species taken from any of the waters of this state or who takes, assists in taking or attempts to take any bait species from any such waters for the purpose of transporting the same out of the state shall be guilty of a class D misdemeanor; but no provision of this section shall prevent the exportation of bait species propagated and grown in private waters registered with the commissioner as such or in licensed commercial hatcheries.
Florida bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Pine Barrens treefrogs, Gopher frogs, and Florida bog frogs may not be taken from the wild. For all other frogs and toads, there are no seasons, bag or size limits and a recreational license is not needed. To sell frogs or take frogs to sell, a commercial fish dealers license is required. Frogs may be taken in accordance with 68A-26.002, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), including use of gigs—provided gigs are not specifically prohibited in the area, may be taken throughout the year by gigs, clubs, air guns, blowguns, hook and line or manually; or by shooting with a .22 caliber or smaller firearm during daylight hours.. Florida Bog frogs may not be possessed without a Scientific Collecting Permit.
Illinois bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
llinois' annual bullfrog hunting season opens 15 June and closes Aug. 31. Bullfrogs may be taken by hand, pole and line-fishing methods, pitchfork, landing net, bow and arrow, spear or gig. Firearms, air guns, gas guns and commercial fishing devices such as dip nets, hoop nets, traps or seines may not be used. The daily limit is eight frogs, and the possession limit is 16. VALID fishing license is required.
Indiana bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Bullfrog and green frog are considered to be game species and regulated by hunting and fishing laws in Indiana. These two species of frogs may be taken anytime between June 15 and April 30 of the following year. The daily bag limit for game frogs is 25 (in aggregate). The possession limit is 50 for game frogs. Reptiles and amphibians collected from the wild in Indiana may not be sold. A hunting license is required. Frogs may be taken with the following: a gig or spear with a head not more than 3 inches in width and a single row of tines; long bow and arrow; club; hands alone; hand line with not more than one hook or artificial lure attached; .22-caliber firearm loaded with bird shot only; or an air rifle that fires a lead pellet (.177 diameter minimum) at least 500 feet per second.
Kansas bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Bullfrog season extends from July 1 through October 31. Daily creel limit is eight. Possession limit is 24 bullfrogs after the third day of the season. A valid fishing license is required for any person to take, catch, or kill bullfrogs, except persons exempt by law from having such license. Bullfrogs may be legally taken any time of day or night by dip net, gig, hook and line, hand, bow and arrow, or crossbow. A line must attach bow to arrow, and the arrow must have a barbed head. Any other method of taking bullfrogs is prohibited.
Kentucky bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
The daily limit (noon to noon) is 15. The possession limit is 30. If bullfrogs are taken by gun or bow and arrow, a hunting license is required. If taken by pole and line, a fishing license is required. If frogs are taken by gig or by hand, either a hunting or fishing license is valid. It is illegal to possess a gig on a stream or lake, or in a boat, from Nov. 1, 2019 through Jan. 31, 2020. Bullfrog season is Noon May 17 - Midnight Oct. 31, 2019.
Louisiana bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
There are no possession limits. You may harvest bullfrogs and pig frogs/grunters year-round, except during the statewide closed season in April and May. Bullfrogs: must be 5 inches in length or larger, Pig frogs/grunters: must be 3 inches in length or larger, measure length from the tip of the muzzle to the posterior end of the body between the hind legs. You may take frogs using any visible light and mechanical devices known as frog catchers or with devices that puncture the skin such as gigs and spears. You may not carry a firearm while hunting/taking frogs at night.
Michigan bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Frogs may be taken by hand, hook and line, hand net or trap where not otherwise prohibited by law. In addition, frogs may be speared. The daily and possession limit for amphibians shall be 10 in combination. Frogs may be taken from the last Saturday in May to November 15. A fishing license is required. Frogs taken for personal take shall not be bought, sold or offered for sale. The daily and possession limit for amphibians shall be 10 in combination. A commercial amphibian license is required of a person to take, trap, catch or fish for frogs for commercial purposes.
Minnesota bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
The open season for frogs is May 16 to March 31. A person may not take or possess frogs without an angling license if the person is required to have an angling license to fish. A person may possess frogs up to six inches long, without limit if the frogs are possessed, bought, sold, or transported for bait. A permit is required to purchase, possess, transport, sell or take frogs for purposes other than bait. Frogs must be longer than six inches when taken or possessed for purposes other than bait. All licensees are required to keep records on forms provided by the MN DNR. There is no limit on the number of frogs that can be possessed up to six inches long for bait or over six inches long with a permit.
Missouri bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Frog season begins June 30 at sunset and ends Oct. 31. Limit is 8 frog per day and 16 frogs in possession. A fishing or small game hunting license is required. Frogs may be taken by hand, hand net, atlatl, gig, bow, trotline, throw line, limb line, bank line, jug line, snagging, snaring, grabbing or pole and line. With a small game hunting permit, frogs may be harvested using a .22-caliber or smaller rimfire rifle or pistol, pellet gun, atlatl, bow, crossbow, or by hand or hand net. The use of an artificial light is permitted when frogging.
Montana bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
There is no season for Bullfrogs in Montana. You aren't required to purchase a license to shoot bullfrogs, unless you are on State School Trust Land, then you are required to purchase a Conservation license or State School Trust lands recreational use permit. There is no weapon restriction for bullfrogs, we don’t regulate them. Permission must be obtained to hunt on private land. It is unlawful for anyone to hunt or attempt to hunt on, from, or across any public highway or the shoulder, berm, barrow pit or right-of way of any public highway.
Nevada bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
There is no closed season and no limits on daily catches in Nevada. Frogs may be taken by spear, bow and arrow, hook and line or by other methods authorized by the Commission’s regulation. Taking of bullfrogs or crayfish. A person may take bullfrogs or crayfish by any method specified in NRS , other than by a hook and line, without obtaining a license or permit issued by the Department. May be taken by bow and arrow, hook and line, dipnet, cast net, minnow seine or minnow trap. May be taken by spear except in any water where this method is specifically prohibited. In addition to taking bullfrogs by any method enumerated in, they may be taken with hands or gig. No firearm or airgun may be used in taking bullfrogs.
New Mexico bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Bull Frogs are no longer protected in New Mexico and can be taken or hunted by any means and no daily posession bag limit. Keep in mind you cannot spotlight the frogs and utilize a firearm or bow to harvest or you will be violating the “hunting with the aid of artificial light” law, any other means is allowed for taking bullfrogs. The New Mexico bullfrog season runs 1 April through 31 March which is all year long with no closed hunting season. Bullfrog limits are unlimited commercially. If using a firearm, bow, or spear, a hunting license is needed to hunt nongame species for nonresidents. Nonresidents must purchase a Nonresident Nongame License or a New Mexico Nonresident Hunting License along with the applicable stamps (HMAV or Habitat Stamp for BLM/USFS). Residents are not required to have a license to take nongame species. A fishing license is required for residents and non-residents if using a fishing rod or snagging with applicable stamps (HMAV and Habitat Stamp for BLM/USFS)
New York bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Frogs" are defined as eastern spadefoot toad, eastern American toad, Fowler's toad, northern cricket frog, northern gray treefrog, northern spring peeper, western chorus frog, bullfrog, green frog, mink frog, wood frog, northern leopard frog, southern leopard frog, and pickerel frog. June 15 through September 30. ny time of the day or night, except that no person shall use a gun to take frogs when hunting at night (sunset to sunrise). No Size limits and no bag limits.
North Dakota bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons: As per the North Dakota Fish and Game, North Dakota is above the line where Bullfrogs reside BUT,......No person may engage in the taking of frogs for sale for human consumption or scientific purposes without obtaining a frog license from the director. No person may buy, job, take on consignment, or ship frogs without obtaining the appropriate resident or nonresident commercial frog license. The director shall designate the form of the licenses, the areas in which the license is valid, and any other restrictions. The director shall issue rules relating to the manner of taking, shipping, buying, or selling and may require reports from each licensee at the time and containing information as deemed necessary. Except as provided in subsection 3 of section 20.1-03-04.1, it is unlawful to take frogs on private land without written permission of the owner or operator of the land.
Oklahoma bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Bullfrogs may be taken with hook and line, and Ambystoma, except Ambystoma talpoideum) gig, spear, bow and arrow or other methods and Ambystoma annulatum. except firearms under the resident or nonresi- dent fishing license. Bullfrogs may be taken Commercial & with firearms under the resident or nonresident hunting license. Bullfrogs may be taken with hook and line, gig, spear, bow and arrow or other methods, except firearms, under a resident or nonresident fishing license. Bullfrogs taken with a firearm require a hunting license. Bullfrogs may be taken year-round. No more than 15 bullfrogs per day are taken. Bullfrogs may not be sold or shipped out of state. Wichita Mountains WR is off limits to bullfrog harvest.
Pennsylvania bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Open season is 1 July through 31 Oct. Limits are 10 per day, 20 in possession combined species. A valid fishing license is required. The use of artificial light to take frogs at night is illegal. Frogs may be taken with long bow and arrow, including compound bows, crossbows, spears or gigs, by hand or hook. Spears or gigs may not have more than five barbs and cannot be used in stocked trout waters. You cannot sell your frog catch, they are for personal consumption.
Tennessee bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
All waters of the state are open to bullfrog hunting except waters within state and federal wildlife refuges. Season is open year-round, except on TWRA managed lakes the season is June 1–30. Bag limit is 20 per person, per night. The use of firearms is prohibited for bullfrog hunting on wildlife management areas and TWRA lakes, except air guns may be used. Only domestically raised bullfrogs or parts thereof may be sold. A hunting license is required to take bullfrogs. No WMA permit is required.
Vermont bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
In the state of Vermont bullfrogs can be hunted year around, there is no closed season. There are also no limits on daily possessions nor size limitations. You will need a valid hunting license to head out hunting bullfrogs in any capacity and there are limitations on bullfrogs if you are harvesting them for commercial reasons. Means of taking bullfrogs in Vermont are limitless with the usual means like bow, line and hook, gigs, spears, nets, by hand etc etc to include guns, but guns can ONLY be used for daytime frog hunting. Also a light is permitted for spotting during night time frog hunting.
Virginia bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Frog gigging in the state of Virginia for 2020 you may take 15 Bullfrogs for frog legs per day per person for eating. Frog season runs from 15 May through 15 Feb. Frog Legs from Bullfrogs may also be taken by gigging or bow and arrow and from private waters by firearms no larger than .22 caliber rimfire. Taking bullfrogs with a gig, .22 caliber rimfire, or bow and arrow requires a hunting license. Taking frogs by any other means requires a fishing license.
West Virginia bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
10 Frogs per day, 20 in possession and NO size limit. A valit fishing license is required. Can not use a firearm, crossbow, dynamite or any like explosive, or a poisonous mixture placed in the water for the purpose of killing or taking of frogs. Frogs may be taken by gigging, snagging, or snaring from. Season: 9 p.m. DST, June 15 to midnight July 31. Big Sandy and Tug Fork rivers bordering Kentucky Season: Noon (EST), May 17 to midnight, October 31.
Wisconsin bullfrog and Frog Legs hunting laws Rules Regulations Policy Bag and Possession Limits & Seasons:
Season: The open season for taking frogs is from the Saturday nearest May 1 to December 31. It is unlawful to take frogs by firearms or airguns. Possession Limit: 5 of each species (not Threatened or Endangered - see list at dnr. wi.gov), except there is no limit on the number that can be possessed which are collected and possessed for up to 24 hours for fishing bait. Frogs may be sold for fish bait only under a bait dealers license. It is illegal to sell frogs for other purposes other than fishing bait (except northern leopard frogs may be sold in under a Class A captive wild animal farm license).