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Are Frog Legs Meat Or Seafood?

Are frog legs meat or seafood

Are Frog Legs Meat Or Seafood?

 Are frog legs meat or seafood?  For the purpose of religious reasons and argument on the Catholic side of things, Frog Legs are NOT "meat" but are grouped with fish.  Frog Legs are a meat that is not seafood and not quite red meat nor is it poultry from a bird.  Frog legs are a white meat that is very lean and has a texture that is a bit chewy like seafood.  It is like chicken and kind of taste like chicken.  Frog leg meat has more of a chewy fishy seafood lobstery texture.  If you asked "ME" who is typing this right now, I would say it is 50/50 white meat chicken and seafood fish taste and texture.  So to me that is a very hybrid white meat that is super yummy that I would take over chicken any day in the way of a snack or wing meal......but not as a replacement for chicken legs, thighs or breasts.

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Are frog legs considered meat or seafood

Are frog legs considered meat or seafood?

If you ask are frog legs meat or seafood and look at it from a scientific and or biology based stand stance, amphibians which include frog legs & reptiles like alligators are cold blooded creatures just like finned fish and shellfish are.  In basic terms meat is considered to the basic person using science to come from all warm blooded poultry and mammal animals.  From a classification and category US regulated stance, the FDA defines fish as fresh or saltwater fined fish, crustaceans and other forms of water life including but not limited to alligator, frog for frog legs, water based turtles, jellyfish, sea cucumber, sea urchin and the roe of such animals other than birds and mammals, and all mollusks.  In the end boilogy and science to include the biology says that frog legs are different from birds and mammals and ergo, would not be considered meat.  Basically frog legs are considered fish so eat away Cathoics.

  • Are Frog Legs Meat Or Seafood?
    Frog Legs are not a seafood, they are are a white meat like that of chicken.  back to top

  • Does Frog Leg Meat Taste Like Seafood?
    Well it depends on who you ask. I personally think that frog leg meat has the texture of crab and lobster in a way.  back to top

  • What Kind Of Meat is Frog Legs?
    Frog Leg Meat is a white meat that is low in fat and high in protein. Lots of folks compare it to nice tender chicken wings with a bit of a seafoody chew.  back to top

  • Does Frog Legs Meat Taste like Frogs?
    No sure what a frog taste like but the answer is no, frog leg meat taste like a white meat like chicken.  back to top

  • Does Frog Leg Meat stink?
    Well frog leg meat kind of has an earthy fresh watery smell. It's not as strong as fish but more mellow but you can smell the natural earthy watery smell.  back to top

  • Why does frog leg meat jump or twitch?
    That is just a chemical reaction to fresh raw frog leg meat that gets salt added to the raw frog leg meat. It causes the frog leg muscles to jump or twitch like they are dancing.  back to top

  • Am I allowed to eat frog legs meat during Lent for Catholic reasons? Are frog legs meat or seafood?
    Frog legs are not considered meat as in a land based animal. Yes you are allowed to eat frog legs as you are also allowed to eat meat from an alligator as well.  back to top

  • Frog legs are not considered meat, they are classified as a fish just as is alligator and turtle.
    Frog legs are not meat but they are also not a seafood, they are grouped by the FDA and science as a cold blooded fined fish and therefor not meat.  back to top

Are frog legs meat or seafood?

Are frog legs meat or seafood?

If you want to argue about the meat of frog legs and if they are meat or seafood and trying to decide what kind of meat it is classified into, it is a bit tricky.  Frog legs are not a red meat and it is not fish or seafood.  It is indeed a meat and it is a white meat but it is definitely not pork and it is not poultry from a bird.  But it is also not snake or turtle and it is not alligator meat.  The frog is am amphibian that lives in and out of the water as a bullfrog but lots of frogs don't live in the water like toads that are most land based.  So, with that said, what is the meat of a frog classified as, it is, red meat, white meat, fish, or seafood?

Are frog legs meat or seafood?

Are frog legs meat or seafood?

Are frog legs meat or seafood?

What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws?
Below you can browse and look through all of the states and the laws that are associated with hunting, catching, fishing for frogs and frog legs.  Each state covers sizes, possession bag limits, weapons and seasons for frog hunting for bullfrog frog legs.

Click here to see the TLC Frog Leg Recommended list of companies that sell frog legs just waiting to be shipped to you.

Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.
Click here to see the TLC Frog Leg Recommended list of companies that sell frog legs just waiting to be shipped to you.  

Hawaii Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Idaho Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Illinois Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Indiana Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Iowa Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Kansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Kentucky Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Louisiana Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Maine Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Maryland Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  
Click here to see the TLC Frog Leg Recommended list of companies that sell frog legs just waiting to be shipped to you.

Massachusetts Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Michigan Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Minnesota Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Mississippi Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Missouri Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Montana Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Nebraska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Nevada Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  New Hampshire Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  New Jersey Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. 
Click here to see the TLC Frog Leg Recommended list of companies that sell frog legs just waiting to be shipped to you.

New Mexico Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  New York Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  North Carolina Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  North Dakota Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Ohio Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Oklahoma Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Oregon Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Pennsylvania Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Rhode Island Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  South Carolina Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  
Click here to see the TLC Frog Leg Recommended list of companies that sell frog legs just waiting to be shipped to you.

South Dakota Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Tennessee Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Texas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Utah Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Vermont Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Virginia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Washington State Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  West Virginia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Wisconsin Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  Wyoming Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws.  
Click here to see the TLC Frog Leg Recommended list of companies that sell frog legs just waiting to be shipped to you.

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Where to Buy and Purchase Frog Legs, FREE Frog Leg prizes and drawings,  Frog Leg Articles,  Frog Leg Conservation, Frog Leg Farming, Frog Leg Hunting,  Frog Leg Fishing, how to catch Frog legs, Frog Leg Links, Frog Leg Recipes, Buy Frog Legs, Purchase Frog Legs, FREE Frog Legs, Frog Leg Videos Frog Leg Facts, Frog Leg Questions and SO SO SO much more.

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"Semper Fi"

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TLC Frog Legs, Taste Like Chicken

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