US USA United States Raised Grown Farmed Frog Legs.
Where can I buy purchase or find US USA United States Raised Grown Farmed frogs for Frog Legs? This is a question that we get asked about all of the time. We could blah blah blah you about this but the short answer is that there is no company in the USA US United States that you can find for sale raised grown or farmed frog legs. There are several reasons why the whole business concept of raising growing or farming frogs for frog legs is the US USA or United States is not happening. You can read several articles on the internet about trying to raise frog for frog legs in the US but it all comes down to the same few issues on why it not happening on any volume or scale that can fill the supply and demand void.
US USA United States Raised Grown Farmed frogs for Frog Legs can't happen because of the cost to raise bull frogs to a market size that takes about 2 years plus and the amount of time, energy, food, land, disease control and all of the other overhead operational cost exceeds what a pound of frog legs is worth vrs the money investment put into raising and growing a pound of frog legs is just not worth it profit wise. There is a negative or too small of a profit spread to be worth the effort to raise grow farm frogs for frog legs in the US or united states.
US USA United States Raised Grown Farmed Frog Legs. If you are super super apposed to not ordering frog legs from an american based company that sells frog legs from an Asian area of the world supplier, you are barking up the wrong tree and unless you go out and hunt or catch your own frogs for frog legs you probably won't get any. 99% of the frog legs sold by American companies are frog legs imported into the states from somewhere in Asia. Usually China. This does not mean that the frog legs are bad at all and there are a few web sites out there that bad mouth ANY company that sells frog legs,....but we say do YOU. We/I have ordered personally MANY MANY pounds of frog legs from frog farms overseas and they have all been just fine. If you want fresh frog legs in the USA, you will have to head out and hunt them on your own during the summer months and in your states seasons. |
What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws? Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. |