Sea Best Frog Legs 2 pounds.
Sea Best Frog Legs 2 Pounds is usualy always under per 2 pound box of frog legs. This is a super deal for frozen boxed frog legs, best deal on the internet right now. The price per pound is $10 and usually less, that is GOOD if you check around for other companies that are selling frog legs that are shipped frozen at the ower price point. If you order the Sea Best Frog Legs 2 pounds through Amazon and the link below and if you have a Prime Membership, you get free shipping and save $9.99. So the latest price that we saw on Amazon for the Sea Best frog legs 2 pound box was even lower at $15.00 as a SPECIAL DEAL. I really doesn't get any better than that. They ship the frog legs frozen in a nice thick styrofoam cooler and dry ice 1 or 2 day air and it arrives to you STILL FROZEN. All you have to do is to thaw the Sea Bet 2 pounds of frog legs and or throw them straight into your freezer until you are ready to cook them.......and you get to keep the free styrofoam cooler that is a nice thick cooler to use for later also as a disposable cooler. Click the Sea Best Frog Legs 2 Pounds links below. |
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