What Kind Of Frogs Can You Eat In The US?
What kind of frogs can you eat in the US is a good question. Usualy we Americans only eat American Bullfrogs becaue they are the largest and produce the largest frog legs for eating. The answer is a limited one though aso because there are just not many other LARGE frogs. There are only about 3-4 frogs in the US that you can legally hunt and eat and or want to eat. Thats the Bullfrog, Pig Frog or lagoon frog and the Bronze Frog. The main frog that everyone eats and that is the GO TO frog is the American Bullfrog. Why is this you ask, well it's the biggest frog in the US and Canada and so it has the largest real estate when it comes to frog legs. Get your frog legs now, so so good.
What kind of frogs can you eat in the US is as we said above, usuay just the American Bullfrog but again, meaning that they have the largest frog legs and the most meat to eat and chew on. Most frogs smaller than the bullfrogs are just too small really and not worth the time to hunt, catch, clean, cook and then eat as there isn't really much of anything legs to eat on as far as meat goes. So the next time somebody asks, what kind of frogs can you eat in the USA you have your answer. Well at least the legal answer because you can eat any frog that you want to but we don't recommend it. Many frogs are protected, some will make you sick and most are just way too small to mess with. SO the next time somebody asks you what kind of frogs are the frog that we eat in the US, you have your answer and that is the American Bullfrog for it's frog legs.
So when you head out into the hot, humid darkness seeking out frogs to hunt and catch, consider what you are looking for and stick to the bullfrogs or larger PIG frogs as they are the most rewarding all the way around and the bullfrog if you want the largest. Some bullfrogs get very large and into the Jumbo size as far as retail sales would size them. That would be about 2-3, maybe 4 per pound of frog legs. So if you do the math on that you can see what the cleaned ready to cook frog legs would weigh. Frog legs are super tasty and especially if they are fried up fresh. So to end this write up we would say that Fresh Fried Frog Legs is the answer to the question of what kind of frogs can you eat in the US. |
What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws? Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. |