TLC Frog Legs, The Official USA BullFrog Legs Website.
Frog Legs, you just can't go wrong with some super fresh frog legs.
Buy BullFrog Legs, Order BullFrog Legs, Purchase BullFrog Legs from the Best Top Recommended companies selling Bullfrog legs in the United States.
TLC BullFrog Legs Also offers FREE BullFrog legs, Frog BullLegs Recipes, Frog BullLegs Hunting Laws, Frog BullLegs Hunting Products, Tons of BullFrog Legs Articles, Frog BullLegs Facts, Frog BullLegs Cartoons, BullFrog Legs Restaurants, Frog BullLegs Festivals, Frog BullLegs Events, Frog BullLegs Coupons, BullFrog Legs Photos and more.
TLC BullFrog Legs, always here to help when it comes to anything to do with BullFrog Legs. We at TLC BullFrog legs have a passion and big taste for Bullfrog legs. We think that they are super cool looking Bullfrogs as the biggest Bullfrog in the USA and Canada and that is the American Bullfrog. We have TONS of them in the USA and they are an invasive species yet we import the Bullfrogs in from Asia and specifically China. The reason is that it is very hard to raise and farm bullfrogs commercially and make a profit that is competitive with that of the wholesale prices in Asia. Meaning, that it is just not worth it to farm and raise bullfrogs for frog legs in the USA. On a small scale yes you can raise them for local sales, but on any scale and it gets very expensive in the food and feeding of these bullfrog leg beasts.
What Do BullFrog Legs Taste Like?
Bullfrog legs Taste Like the Best White Meat, Cross between seafood and chicken. back to top
Are BullFrog Legs Save To Eat?
Yes, 100% frog legs are safe to eat as long as you eat the well known American Bullfrog Frog legs. Also proper cooking is essential as is any meat to include bullfrog legs. back to top
How Big Do Bullfrog Legs Grow?
The American Bullfrog can grow to 1.5 Pounds and a vent to nose length of 8 inches. back to top
Do The French really Eat Bullfrog Legs?
Oh Yes the French do really still eat bullfrog legs. Bullfrog legs are eaten in many other parts of the world to include the USA. back to top
What Is The Best Way To Cook Bullfrog Legs?
Fried Fried Fried bullfrog legs is by far the best way to cook bullfrog legs with BBQ grilled bullfrog legs a close 2nd on the list. back to top
Is It Easy To Clean A Bullfrog For Frog Legs?
Yes, it is super simple to clean a bullfrog. Score the skin, pull the skin off, cut at the hip and you have a nice pair of bullfrog legs remaining for cooking of your choice. back to top
BBQ Barbecue Frog Legs on the grill, now thats good.
BullFrog Legs, buy, purchase, order from the best companies supplying Bullfrog legs for sale in the US. Plus everything you ever wanted to know about eating bullfrog legs or the American Bullfrog. Buy, hunt, fish, catch, sell, trade, farm, grow, raise, purchase or simply get educated about bullfrog legs. Your bullFrog Legs largest single source guide of information and subject matter when it comes to bullFrog Legs. Where did all of this information come from you ask? Well it came from you and us. We are everything and anything when it comes to Frog Legs and the American Bullfrog. The Good, The Bad, The Tasty and The Ugly.
Skip straight to View Our Top Recommended Companies selling BullFrog Legs here.
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Welcome to the TLC Frog Legs Site. We are all about Frog Legs from the American Bullfrog.
Bullfrog Legs to some are a delicacy but to others it is a normal food dish, where do you put yourself?
Some would say that even thinking about eating Bullfrog legs would make them get sick. It is agreed that thinking of an actual frog and then in the same thought, eating its legs does seem a bit odd and mind boggling. A nasty slimy frog that carries warts, lives in yucky ponds and eats bugs and other small thanks!!!.............or YES please!!!! But we at TLC Frog Legs thinks that you should at least give it a try once because chances are on the side that you WILL love eating bullfrog legs, promise that you will like it if not love your bullfrog legs. A very healthy main corse or appetizer depending on how you cook your bullfrog legs. They are very low fat, high in protein, Omega 3 Fatty acids, vitamin A and Potassium.
Have questions about bullfrogs for TLC frog legs? Check out this link here for a TON of questions answered about bullfrog legs.
You can't beat Fried Frog Legs, TLC frog legs will show you how.
You may not eat bullfrog legs every day or even once a week for a meal.
But it is often enough that it is considered a regular food in many places to include the good ol USA. If you are not accustom to eating frog legs then maybe you should give it a try. Southern Comfort food and bullfrog legs go hand in hand. A lot of your southern states love eating bullfrog legs and especially Louisiana cajun folks eat up bullfrog legs just like chicken and the meat has always been described like that of chicken wings at it's basic description. But more that just chicken wings, they are more a super high quality white meat, chewy and super tender to the point that its almost sea....foodish.
You can read a rath of bullfrog leg articles here at this link that we have added to the site.
Bullfrog legs overseas and internationally, bullfrog legs are a regular meal and eaten often in France and China.
Many other countries eat bullfrog legs regularly like Cambodia, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Cambodia, Italy and many other countries. One of the main largest exporters of frog Legs is Indonesia of the American Bull Frog. Many countries and people eat bullfrog legs caught in the wild because that is how they survive and supplement their diets to actually live. But there are also countries that catch live wild bullfrogs to sell at the market and to others that will buy them and sell them wholesale.
TLC frog legs put together a link that shows all 50 US states laws and limits when it comes to hunting for bullfrog legs.
How about some yummy grilled BBQ Frog legs.......and a beer for a snack.
Whos trying to get rid of the Bullfrog invasive species in the USA and Canada?
Some folks will say that the American Bullfrog is destroying the american eco-system. It is said that the American Bullfrog is one of the most successful amphibians in the world and also making issues even overseas. One of the problems is that they are basically world wide now and will eat just about anything in their path. Meaning, they are consuming a lot of smaller animals like other frogs to the point of them being endangered to the point of extinction. They also can carry the Chytrid Fungus that is spread to other amphibians,....the BIG problem with that is that this fungus does not effect the Bullfrog, it is only spread by them. This means that with their LARGE volume these days that they are spreading this fungus rapidly and all but killing off other slippery slimy species to extinction.
Read more about how invasive the bullfrogs really are here.
An American Bull Frog, this is the frog that
we typically get our Frog Legs from.
The typical frog legs that are eaten by most Americans.
The American Bullfrog or Rana Lithobates Catesbeianus and part of the Ranidae Family. Slippery slimy amphibians that live in and out of the water. The American Bull Frog will eat just about anything that it can fit into it's mouth to include bugs, mice, snakes, worms, crustations, tadpoles, salamanders to include eating their OWN. Again, if it fits into their mouth, they will most likely eat it and they have a hearty appetite. Thats no reason why these frogs reach the sizes that they do and that their very meaty frog legs are sot after as yummy food dishes.
Here is a big listing of bullFrog and Frog Legs facts that you can educate yourself with.
TLC Frog Legs is what this site is called and named that for a good reason.
BullFrog Legs taste very very much like chicken at it's basic and simplest form when talking abougt meat,....doesn't everything thats not steak taste like chicken? It is a very low fat white meat. The bullfrog leg meat is very tender just like a high dollar steak and juicy. Cooking frog legs is just as simple as cooking chicken. If you can cook something or anything with chicken, you can cook the same thing with bullfrog legs. Frog legs may be a bit more expensive and a lot of times that it why it is not eaten at every meal typically. It's more of a special dish for you the family or when entertaining or when eating out.
Here are a bunch of bullfrog leg receipes that you can browse through written and youtube videos.
Fried Frog Legs are so so so GOOD.
Bullfrog Legs by themselves as a white meat is the best white meat that there is besides Seafood in "our" opinion. The only other white meat that is a fish that is comparable is a Burbot and that is a weird off fresh water Cod (all other Cod are saltwater) that looks like a catfish and lives up north is cold waters that they call a poor mans lobster due to the taste and chewy meaty texture. The white meat of bullfrog legs looks like chicken and taste great and is super easy to prep and cook. If you have never tried bullfrog legs and are not 100% against at least trying bullfrog legs, we promise you that you will like it.
We aren't saying that you will eat bullfrog legs every day but if you like the bullfrog legs then you will for sure cook up a batch again soon. Or if you are at a restaurant and they have bullfrog legs on the menu, you may just order yourself a plate or appetizer of the frog legs. Bullfrog legs served on menus at restaurants is slim depending on what state you live in. Is you are closer to the east or south coast you may have more options than if you live on the west or north west coast if you are looking for bullfrog legs on menus .

Check out the main store FROG LEGS HUNTING PRODUCTS here.
FREE FROG LEGS, click here if you want FREE FROG LEGS
FROG LEGS Buy Order Purchase Frog Legs here.
Frog Leg Meat, Alligator Meat, Gator Tail
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Frog Legs, who doesn't love a nice pan fried dish of Fresh Fried Frog Legs.
Making your own bullfrog legs is the best of both worlds.
You are rating bullfrog legs and you also make them yourself. Making frog legs is just as easy as cooking chicken and even easier actually because they are not as big and take much less time to prep and cook. Trying to decide on how you want to cook your bullfrog legs will probably be the biggest decision about the bullfrog legs. Fried, Baked, Broiled, Grilled, Sauteed, boiled in Soups and so many more ways. As long as you have a nice big juicy pair of bullfrog legs to chow down on, you will be golden!!!
Doing a quick lookie at Bullfrog Leg retail prices.
It looks as though a good round about price for Bullfrog legs here in the states runs ABOUT $13.00 per pound and UP depending on where you buy your Bullfrog Legs. You can get your Bullfrog legs for less but you just have to do some shopping around and you and can get the for about $6-$8 per pound. But the averate looks like "about" $13.00 for a majority fo the companies selling bullfrog legs. You can usually order bullfrog legs as small, medium, large or Jumbo. The larger the bullfrog legs, the less each you will get per pound but obviously each set of bullfrog legs will weigh more and be larger. Small bullFrog Legs would give you about 6-8 legs per pound. Medium bullfrog legs would give you about 4-6 legs per pound. Large bullfrog legs would give you about 2-4 legs per pound. Jumbo bullfrog legs would give you about 2-3 legs per pound.
Click here for current pricing and options to browse to get some bullfrog legs delivered straight to your door.
Thinking about making some bullfrog Leg Soup, click here for some ideas.
Here is a nice sight, a 2 pound box of frozen Frog Legs just begging to get eaten.
Because bullfrog legs are not farmed or raised here in the US States in any bulk form.
When you order bulfrog legs they will more than likely be shipped to you frozen and hopefully fresh frozen. Meaning, that they are frozen and have not been frozen for too too long. When bullfrog legs are packaged they are usually loos packaged and not vacuum packed or sealed. So when you receive your bullfrog legs and you don't plan on using then any time in the near future or bought a lot of bullfrog legs you may want to repackage them to seal them better for longer fresher storage. Bullfrog legs are usually frozen once cleaned unless you eat them fresh and right away or VERY soon after cleaning them. Freezing the bullfrog legs keeps them stored for fresher use at a later time. Just be sure to wrap them well or vacuum seal them if you don't plan on eating them within a reasonable amount of time or frost bite will set in. Seen here is a 2 pound box of Sea Best bullfrog legs in a freezer.
Click here for full details on the process of getting bullfrog legs shipped to your home or business and how they do it.
Do bullfrogs or frog legs carry diseases, pathogens or sicknesses?
The answer to this is YES they do. But you also may want to ask, are bullfrog legs safe to eat and the answer to that is also yes. Click here for an article on Are bullfrog Legs Safe To Eat The bullfrog trade for frog legs has always been a bit questionable due to the low lack of official federal regulations when it comes to bullfrog leg imports into the states and around the world. Bullfrogs that are traded for frog legs can carry the chytrid Fungus or Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis or Bd. This fungus DOES NOT effect humans and is strictly a amphibian issue. Bullfrogs imported into the USA are and should be skinned, cleaned and frozen prior to exporting to the USA. The freezing process would all but eliminate any chance of this fungus being passed to other bullfrogs or amphibians. Also do to the fact that you have to cook your bullfrog legs, this is a 2nd step to ensure that the bullfrog legs are safe. Its really no different then you cooking your chicken or pork to the required temps so that you don't get samonela or get sick from eating uncooked meat that may carry pathogens.
If you would like to learn more about bullfrog legs and frogs and issues that come from them then click here.
Here is a nice 2 pound box of Frozen Frog legs.
Where can you buy or purchase Bullfrog Legs from?
There are many places that you can buy bullfrog legs from here in the states. Just a simple search on the internet will yeld some places that you can buy bullfrog legs from and get it shipped to your house. Getting bullfrog legs shipped to your house can be shipped fresh or frozen. Personally I would get bullfrog legs shipped frozen just because they will most likely still be frozen with ice packs, dry ice and in a thick styrofoam cooler. Ordering them unfrozen or FRESH could bring issues with spoilage. If you want fresh bullfrog legs, I would get them locally in your area. Also frozen bullfrog legs would kill any parasites or pathogen within the frog meat ,....IF it happened to have any. Amazon, Walmart and many other independent small business retailers of bullfrog meat are all over the internet. Maybe you are looking for a place in your local area to eat already prepared bullfrog legs. Simply search your local area for restaurants serving or offering bullfrog legs. If they have a web or internet listing, this should come up for you in the results. We would suggest that you steer clear of ordering bullfrog legs DIRECTLY from overseas or internationally for many reasons. You may also want to ask your local grocery store or meat market if they carry them or can get them ordered in for you.
Click here for a current HUGE list of where to buy and purchase Bullfrog Legs.
We at TLC Frog Legs also created a section called the FROG LEG SHOUT OUT page. This page was suggested to us from a very nice visitor to the TLC Frog Legs web site. Basically it is a page that lets us show case companies that sell bullfrog legs so that we have a nice vetted list that we can offer customers looking to purchase bullfrog legs. It's basically a recommendation but its a list of recommendations so that the list does not only cater to one or two companies that sell bulfrog legs. It's a win win for everybody.
Here is a link to the BULLFROG LEGS SHOUT OUT page.
Frog Legs Fried, hot and fresh, wow, so so good!!
Bullfeg Facts, are Bullfrog legs safe to eat?
Yes if you eat the correct frogs and 90% of the frog meat on an american Bullfrog is on the hind legs. The American Bullfrog is the main frog that we eat when you hear about eating bullfrog legs. The thigh and calf portion of the bullfrog legs is the meal. Basically when a bullfrog is cleaned only the back hind leg portion of the frog is taken for cleaning and eating. There are MANY frogs that are dangerous to eat and very very poisonous and should not be even touched. We won't give you a list of frogs legs NOT to eat but rather we will give you a list that you can eat and that is your good ol American Bullfrog. Our suggestion is that when you buy and or eat these bullfrog legs just make sure that the frog legs came from a creditable source and that they have been approved for sale through the FDA or USA accepted regulated program especially with imported bullfrogs. Yes bullfrog Legs do carry some dieses/funguses and we will get into these and their effects and impacts on people, frogs of the same and other frogs or animals in the wild and in captivity and or farming bullfrogs for frog legs.
Click here for much more information on bullfrog leg and any dieses or pathogens that they may carry or spread.
BBQ Frog Legs are just the bomb on the grill. You can't go wrong when it comes to BBQ'ing Frog Legs.
BBQ'ing Bullfrog Legs is super simple.
Grab your bullfrog legs out of the freezer if they are frozen and thaw them in the refrigerator overnight. If you are using fresh never frozen bullfrogs legs,.....then good for you, your bullfrog legs will be that much better and fresher. You can marinate them in your own secret sauce or pat them down with the families favorite rub seasonings or a little bit of salt and pepper, onion powder and garlic powder will go a LONG way. Super simple. Throw them on the grill and cook them as you would chicken wings without skin so you have to be careful not to burn or over cook them. Take the bullfrog legs off of the grill once done and chow down or dip them in the favorite dipping sauce that you made or bought. It can't get any more simple that that. Cook your bullfrog legs over coals, gas or heck, a good ol George Forman Grill will also do the job.
Fried Frog Legs is kind of what you think of when you think of Frog Legs especially in the south.
There are many different ways that you can fry bullfrog legs.
But in the end, fried bullfrog legs are fried bullfrog legs and they are yummy and the best. Hot and spicy and super crunchy. Make up your breading with your favorite spices, roll them around in your batter and fry away. Super fresh fried bullfrog legs hot and steaming. They are the best fried food since sliced bread. Frying bullfrog legs is super simple and fast. Get you some bullfrog legs, make or buy some batter and then fry them up, it really is that simple and fast. The more that you cook and fry bullfrog legs, the more you will want to refine your batter recipe with different spices and seasonings.
How do you raise or farm bullfrogs for frog legs as a business or for personal eating and consumption?
First off I would check with your state and or county laws through your wildlife Fish and Game office on if you are even able to raise bullfrogs for frog legs as a business or and even for your own food source. It also all depends on how many bullfrogs you are looking to raise or farm. Raising or farming bullfrogs for frog leg meat is a bit more complicated than buying a kiddy pool and throwing in some American Bullfrog tadpoles and grow them to adults. If you really want to take on this feat or project, we HIGHLY suggest that you do LOTS and LOTS of research on raising bullfrogs for frog leg meat and what the process is on processing the bullfrog legs and actually being able to sell them legally and safely. There is a lot of cost, time, effort and resources that are needed to pull this off correctly, safely and to be profitable. You have to remember that you are dealing with live animals, specifically amphibians. Doing things wrong can be catastrophic to more than just you. Here is a great article from the state of Missouri on farming or raising bullfrogs commercially for Frog Legs and alot of FACTS around it all.
Check out these nice big huge plump frog legs.
Here is a nice rack of huge muscle bound bullfrog legs. All Be It still frozen, they are about to be indoor broiled. A nice garlic vinegar based BBQ dipping sauce will round out these as a perfect bullfrog Legs snack for the whole family.
Bullfrog Legs Guide and Tips on how to hunt or catch or fish for Bullfrogs Frog Legs.
Hunting and Fishing or catching Bullfrogs for their very yummy frog legs. This is a very fun activity for you and your friends an or the whole family. Hunting bullfrogs for their legs goes back to the beginning of time. Many hunt for bullfrog legs because it is part of their diet and how they live, but for you and me in this day and age it is entertaining basically. Above all is safety, don't forget about being safe when hunting or looking for your bullfrogs especially because it will be dark out when you are on your quest for the bullfrog legs. First be sure that you know the laws in your state of county for actually hunting Bullfrogs for their frog legs. There may be a season, bag limits, time slots when you can and can not hunt for the bullfrog legs on to what you can use to actually take or capture the Bullfrog frogs. Next is for you to put together a plan for your evening out hunting for your bullfrog legs.
Click here for much more specific details and information on hunting and catching bullfrogs for frog legs.
1--1st is safety, always be safe.
2--Gather all of the supplies and gear you will need for your bullfrog leg hunting trip.
3--Select a good location for your evening out catching and hunting bullfrog Legs.
4--Know what you are going to use to hunt or catch your bullfrogs legs.
5--Select your weapons of choice from Gigs to Hands to pistols and bow and arrow.
6--Know what kind of bullfrog legs to look for.
7--Know your state or county regulations on hunting and catching bullfrog legs for limits.
8--Bring your catch bags or buckets and know how to properly kill and clean your bullfrog legs.
9--Cook and enjoy
10--1st is safety, always be safe
Yummy, smoked frogs legs.
Here we have some oh so good Smoked bullfrog Legs. Freshly smoked in a smoker in about 45 minutes to an hour. The bullfrog legs are not 9 inches thick, so these bad boys will smoke up, grill up or cook up in no time at all. They actually remind me of eating quail. Bullfrog Legs are small, tender and full of flavor and super easy to cook and yummy to eat for a meal or snack.

Check out the main store FROG LEGS HUNTING PRODUCTS here.
FREE FROG LEGS, click here if you want FREE FROG LEGS
FROG LEGS Buy Order Purchase Frog Legs here.
Frog Leg Meat, Alligator Meat, Gator Tail
Send Us Your Photos and Videos.
Bullfrog Leg Conservation, Protection and Preservation, bullfrogs are also living creatures, they are bright eyed breathing Amphibians to be exact.
As with anything in this world, moderation is the key and especially when it comes to living animals and that includes bullfrogs for their frog legs. Some animals have to be hunted to maintain populations and some animals are farmed to help different animals in the wild to repopulate. As is the case with bullfrogs and their frog legs. Many of the bullfrog legs that we eat today are farmed and also caught in the wild and it seems that the wild bullfrog population overseas are getting lower and lower. Are frogs specifically bullfrogs protected in different states, in the USA at all and how about over seas, is the farming and or wild caught bullfrogs for frog legs regulated at all in any way? We will give you a bunch of information when it comes to bullfrog leg farming and wild caught frogs for frog legs and how it all is connected in all together in the USA and overseas.
Click here for much more information of frog legs bullfrog protection and conservation, and preservation.