How much do frog legs cost to eat in a restaurant?
How much do frog legs cost to eat in a restaurant? Well these days Frog legs prepared and sold in a sit down restaurant can range from a few dollars per pair to $100's of dollars per dish at the most uppity and fancy restaurants depending on where in the world you are dining and what kind of restaurant you are dining in. It's kind of hard to average how much frog legs do cost to eat in a restaurant as the restaurants vary so much.
How much do frog legs cost to eat in a southern restaurant? If you are here in the states and dining in the good ol' South ike Louisiana and headed to the local (and super good) mom and pop Cajun fried food joint, you may pay just dollars for the frog legs in this style restaurant in this southern location. But if you are lets say in down town New York at a nice fancy and higher dollar french restaurant, then you may be paying $50-$100 per plate of frog legs prepared in their style of serving frog legs that they are accustom to. We can almost bet that they are not just your average fried frog legs but they could be. Always remember that you can fry up your own frog legs at home for about $20. If you have dinned out at a restaurant lately and eaten or ordered frog legs,
But may be of a more sophisticated dining recipe with some fancy name. So when you ask how much do frog legs cost to eat in a restaurant, it really depends on where you are wanting to eat and how you want to eat your frog legs. Most regular average restaurant serving frog legs would be a entree price of $15-$25 per order and up from there. Maybe $10-$15 for an appetizer size plate of frog legs. Then there is a thing called a buffet, if you happen to be at one of these and you see frog legs on the buffet line then you are golden. A good size buffet price ranges from $15-$20 per person and up from there if the food starts to get more fancy with high dollar meats and seafoods.
But regardless of where your favorite restaurant is or how much the frog legs cost, if you like them they way that you get them served on your table then good to go. If you like a fancy restaurant and pay $40 for a bowl of french frog leg soup or if you pay $8 for a news paper wrapped 4 pack of fresh fried frog legs at your local corner Cajun fish shack, as long as you re eating frog legs and enjoying them and the experience, that it is a win win. So as we stated above, the range and scale of how much do frog legs cost to eat in a restaurant all depends on you. It's gunna be pretty obvious that the more upscale and fancy the restaurant, the higher the prices that you will be paying to eat your frog legs. But then there is always the next or in our opinion THE best thing, and that is to get yourself some frog legs and cook them up yourself in your favorite way and ENJOY!!! |
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