How to Fish for Frog Legs.
Fishing for Bullfrogs is SUPER FUN and very weird all at the same time. Learning how to fish for frog legs or bullfrogs is not at all hard, its actually easier than fishing for real fish in our opinion. Fishing for frog legs is a super fun way to get yourself some very tasty frog leg treats. Some frog leg lovers want to hunt for frog legs with weapons, but we think that the most fun and most entertaining way is to actually go fishing for your frog legs just as you would for bass. Click the Frog Legs photo above for
You can hunt for frogs with weapons as we stated earlier but if you grab yourself a rod and reel fishing pole or a long stick or bamboo or even a god ol fashioned Cane Pole, you will do well. When you do head out to fish for frog legs this will most likely be done during the day. This way its easier to see everything and you are not working with lights as you would if you were hunting or fishing for frog legs in the dark. You can fish for frogs at night but fishing for frogs is more of a daytime capturing technique. One of the easiest baits to use when learning to fish for frog legs is the fake frog. Yes you heard that right, you can use frogs to catch frogs. As long as you dangle and move the fake frog around like it is an alive real frog, the bullfrog will try and eat it. Trust me, this works. You can also use something else that floats and is weedless or something that will not get caught up in weeds, lillies etc etc because you want the frog to be abe to get to the bait on the top of the water and hot under the water. We have also hear of frog leg fisher men dangling just a piece of small colored fabric in front of the frogs face and they will bite. Just tie a treble hook onto your line and hook that small piece of red fabric on the hook like bait and your good to go. Chances are that the fabric bait would also last all day. When the frog bites, simply pull and hook them as you would a fish and pull or reel them in.
When you are learning how to fish for frogs or frog legs during the day, you are going to use your eyeballs and sight to look for the frogs. Simply head out to your watering hole pond, lake, swamp, marsh of where you know there are bullfrogs or think that they would be. If you can hear the frogs calling then this will get you in the very pin point area of there it or they are.....head that way or again, your going to have to physically look for them up close to the banks or shallow water. When you see a frog, toss the bait out directly at them so that you get the bait as close to them. Once the bait hits the water the frog may go after it, it the frog doesn't, they you can move and giggle the bait around the frog until it takes and or bites onto it. When the frog does, now it is time to hook the frog just like a fish and real it in. We would suggest only trying to fish for the larger and biggest frogs as they will give you the bigger frog legs. The more that you learn how to fish for frogs or for legs the better you will get at actually fishing for them and locating them. See, now that you know how to fish for frog legs you can head out anytime that you have the time and catch yourself some fresh frog legs. If you know the better places to fish for frog legs it shouldn't't take you much time at all to collect up a nice bunch of frogs for a frog leg dinner. Cleaning frog legs is also super easy and you can see an article on how to clean frogs and frog legs. It literally takes 30 seconds to clean a frog and it's not an messy cleaning too. Meaning there is not a bunch of blood and guts when it comes to cleaning the frogs legs that you learned how to fish for. Click here to read the article on How to Clean Frogs or Frog legs. |
What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws? Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. |