How to smoke smoked frog legs?
How to make smoke or make smoked frog legs is a great question. Click the Frog Legs photo above for Skip straight to View Our Top Recommended Companies selling Frog Legs for smoking here. Check out the main store FROG LEGS HUNTING PRODUCTS here. FREE FROG LEGS, click here if you want FREE FROG LEGS FROG LEGS Buy Order Purchase Frog Legs here. Frog Leg Meat, Alligator Meat, Gator Tail Send Us Your Photos and Videos.
If you don't play close attention and stick close to your smoker when you are smoking frog legs, when it comes to learning how to smoke frog legs, you can easily and quickly dry them out. Then your working with some Frog leg Jerky,......which isn't that bad either to eat. As weird as it sounds I like my smoker to run a bit longer to make my smoked frog legs because I actually like them on the drying side and more chewy. This goes the same for chicken wings. I will actually recook or smoke chicken wings to get them just the way that I like them and that is crunchy and chewy. Smoked frog legs are not eaten with skin so the extra chewy smoked frog legs meat is just perfect.
Everybody has their own way of cooking meat and knowing how to smoke frog legs is no different. Guys can get very touchy when it comes to doing anything outside when it comes to cooking meat in any way. So if you are not the big outdoor griller or smoker when it comes to meat, ask some of your friends or co-workers. Chances are that one of them is a serious smoker and they can give you soe hints when it comes to tips for smoking your frog legs. Shoot, promise him a plate full and a few beers and I am sure that he or she would come over and help you cook up and teach you how to make some smoked frog legs.
What you see here is an electric smoker that we use to smoke smoked frog legs and it does a GOOD job. Don't be hating because I/we use an electric smoker to smoke my frog leg as the temperature control of this E-Smoker is pretty much a set and forget type deal. Yes I was not the one to use an electric smoker to smoke anything at all much less frog legs.....BUT, this was given to me FREE. So I tried it and actually really really liked it. Not only are frog legs smoked in this thing but I also smoke all kinds of other meats. The thermostat works great and the temp regulates its self. So when it comes to hot to deal with smoking frog legs and the fact that frog legs are on the smaller and thinner side of meats that most folks smoke, the auto temp control of the electric smoker is hard to beat in MY opinion. But you can smoke ANY WAY that you would like to. WIth me being a novice smoker or any meat, I like the eases of smoking frog legs and other meats in this design electric smoker.
The 1st thing that you need is some frog legs seasoned just the way that you like them. We like them either with no seasoning and dip the smoked frog legs later or we use some simple basic salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and some red pepper for some heat. You can use any one of a million different rubs or marinated sauces. It's all up to you and you can experiment each time you are smoking your frog legs. We would recommend that you write down your recipes so that you don't forget the next time you are wanting to make your smoked frog legs again. Writing down your smoked frog legs recipe will also allow you to make changes to it and keep it all documented for later use.
Here we have a grill that is used for smoking smoked frog legs be it gas smoked, charcoal smoked and also gas or wood smoking of frog legs, above you can see an electric smoker. You don't need a $500 high speed low drag smoker, all you need is some frog legs and something that makes heat basically and smoke. Something with fire and a way to slowly burn some special woods like peach or oak or hickory or apple etc etc. This is what gives the frog legs that deep smoked flavor and also puts the slow heat into the grill, smoker or oven type equipment. You can smoke frog legs super basic onto buying a crazy multi thousand dollar smoker. But in the end, just your basic smoking methods is all you need when it comes to smoking frog legs. As we have stated, be careful when smoking frog legs as they are a smaller meat and will smoke and cook faster and can dry out faster also.
Now its time to pick out your smoker to smoke your frog legs. Well at this point you need to already have your smoker ready and at home and know how to use it. What we won't do is to tell you what smoker is the best to use to smoke frog legs much less how to smoke any meat. That would be a whole other web site full of discussion. You can use the smoker that you want and already have, or if you are headed out to buy your 1st smoker or replace the smoker that you already have,.........you do you on that one and read up on the internet on the pros and cons for wood vrs coal vrs gas vrs electric vrs any other way that you want to smoke your frog legs. Personally we/I use an electric smoker as it is very very easy to control the smoking temps. If you are a die hard meat smoker and have been doing it for uphteen years and have it down to a science with wood because that is the best way and the only way to get frog legs smoked to perfection,...then great. If not and you are a beginner to smoking meat and specifically learning how to smoke frog legs,....electric is super easy. But again, you do you and what you prefer.
Now that you have your seasoned frog legs and you have your smoker prepared for smoking your frog legs, it's now time to actually smoke your frog legs. Times with smoking your frog legs may vary just a little bit but not much because as we stated above, the meat on a frog legs is not 10 inches thick and does not take hours and hours to smoke your frog legs. You may have to experiment with your frog leg some when it comes to smoking them because some frog legs are smaller, thinner and less meaty than some others depending on where you get them from. Some frog legs that you will be smoking are hefty to where 2 or 3 will make up one pound of frog legs raw. We suggest that you smoke your frog legs to an internal temp of at least 165 degrees. Once your smoker is up to temp right at 225 degrees, it will take ABOUT 45 minutes to 1 hour to smoke your frog legs. Anymore than that and you will really start to dry out your frog legs when smoking them unless your heat is not up at 225 and consistent for that 45 min to 1 hour. |
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