What Is The Best Time To Go Frog or Bullfrog Gigging.
What is the best time to go frog or bullfrog gigging? The short answer on the best time to go frog gigging is in the early dark hours of the night when it is hot and humid outside and hunt or gig into the night, this woud be your best overall set up. It's kind of like fishing in with the incoming high tide and high tide is dawn. Lets assume that it is spring and or maybe a bit more into summer in the area that you are living. We say that hopefully that you are a bit into full summer because frogs in many areas that get cold or cool will go into a type of hybernation state for the winter. Click the Frog Legs photo above for
So when you are looking to grab your frog gig and head out just as soon as the bullfrog frog legs season opens, you may want to wait just a bit. Why you ask, well if you head out into the early spring time hunting and gigging bullfrogs, they may still be a bit skinny. Give them a bit of time to fatten up or you will be gigging some skinny bullfrogs. This is because they have set on the down low waiting out winter and the colder months when food wasn't so plentiful. So along with the best TIME of the day to head out frog gigging and hunting there is the time of year also and even if the season has just opened or even open year around. But if you are in the south, your bullfrogs may be very active all year around basically.
So now the frogs are fat and it's time to figure out what is the best time to go frog or bullfrog gigging? The truth of the matter is that the bullfrogs are out day or night in their natural habitat usually sitting patiently for something to happen close to them so that they can eat it. But when you are talking about what is the best time to go frog or bullfrog gigging it would have to be at night time. But again, you can do just as good during the day time if you are in the right place and if the bullfrogs are plentiful in that area. A good way to catch bullfrogs during the day is with a fishing pole to where you actually catch them fishing just like you would a fish. BUT,....the easiest way to catch or gig or hunt for bullfrogs is at night and the reason for that is that you can hear them croaking and you can also see their glowing yellow/red reflective eyes from a distance. This is a great way to know where they are at so that you can head in that direction and do your magic to capture them.
So the real deal with what is the best time to go frog or bullfrog gigging is if it is HOT and HUMID out and if you head out into the early dusk hours of the night and if you have all of your frog gigging or hunting gear set and ready to go, all you have to do is to sit close to where you are going to go frog hunting or gigging and listen for a bit. You should hear the male bullfrogs croaking or bellowing out trying to attract the female bullfrogs. This will give you an idea or general direction of where the frogs are at. This way you can head that way once you kick off your frog gigging hunting trip. The best time to go grog or bullfrog gigging can vary some at night, but the common time is for sure at night. The best thing about night time frog gigging is that if you shine your spot light or light source around on the shallow waters or banks, you will be able to see the frogs eyes glowing/reflecting red or yellowish. This is a sure sign that you know where they are at and you can head straight to them. If you keep the light directly on the frog and in it's eyes, the frog will freeze and stay in place. This is your way to get close to them and take them with your frog gig or hand or what ever weapon of choice you are using to capture of hunt your bullfrogs for their frog legs. |
What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws? Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. |