Top Best Frog Gig or Bullfrog Gigs.
Top Best Frog Gigs or Bullfrog gig. What are some of the best frogs gigs on the market today for bullfrog frog gigging for frog legs? There are a TON of frog gigs on the market that you can use for gigging bullfrogs for their frog legs. Some are good and some are on the cheaper side of the frog gigs that would be used for frog gigging. Design of the frog gigs also play a part in how effective the frog gigs are also. But to make the best top frog gig or bullfrog gigs it is mainly quality of the design, metal used, welding or fastening of the metal together and then the way it attaches to any length of pole be it wooden, metal, fiberglass, aluminum or the like. We are not going to try and complicate this, but to make this a help guide to make it easier for you to choose the top best frog gig or bullfrog gigs. Click the Frog Legs photo above for Best price on the Internet for 2 pounds of Frog Legs
When looking at the top best frog gig or bullfrog gigs there will always be a personal preference. Not every frog hunting or frog gigging enthusiasts will have the same taste in the over all type or kind of frog gig that they like to use. You may even be very very picky when it comes to your choice of the top best frog gigs on the market out there today. We will break down some of the pros and cons of some of the main basic differences of most of the frog gigs that are out there at stores and on the internet available to purchase. Some of this information will allow you to think some before purchasing and choosing your next or 1st frog gig.
When deciphering between all of the different best top frog gig or bullfrog gigs, there are these things called tines and barbs. To some this may not mean a lot but to others it can be the difference between bringing home a bunch of bullfrogs or just a few or none at all. On a frog gig the individual sharp and pointy spears are called tines. Usually at the end of the tines are jagged spikes on the tines that stick out and these are called barbs, just like a fishing hook has. Any of the best top frog gig or bullfrog gigs will have barbs. Heck, you can even cut barbs into your gig tines if you are handy like that. The frog gig barbs serve the same function as a fishing hook and that is to aid and help the hook or tine to stay attached into the frog. So when you stick or stab or gig the frog and the tines go through the frogs midsection or body and out the other side,....that when you pull back on the frog gig with the frog gig handle or pole that the frog gig tines do not pull back out through the frogs body.
Usually each tine has 1 barb and you want at least 1 barb per tine. If you can get a frog gig with 2 barbs on each tine, then good for you and that is even better but not needed, as long as you have one barb per tine you are good to go. The top best frog gig or bullfrog gigs that are smooth and barbless,....DO NOT buy a frog gig that does not have any barbs or the frogs will just slid off of your frog or bullfrog gig. As far as tines go, that is kind of a personal preference, but we would say that you need more than 1 and but not 15 of them. 4 and 5 maybe 6 tines is plenty to stick and gig a bullfrog and have a few left over hanging over the side of the frogs body. 4-6 tines gives you more chances to stick the frog vrs 1 or 2 tines if you get our drift.
Along with the top best frog gig or bullfrog gigs come the poles that need to be attached to them. You can basically make a frog gig pole out of just about anything from a broom stock to a tree stick to a higher dollar telescoping or adjustabe frog gig pole made out of light weight aluminum or fiberglass. This would round out getting yourself the top best frog gig or bullfrog gigs before you head out frog hunting or gigging.
There is no perfect science to picking out the top best frog gig or bullfrog gigs. We will also cover some basics when it comes to Frog Jaw Grabber type design Tongs for those of you that just don't like gigging frogs and don't want to touch them. But some basic common sense and knowing how to actually use a frog gig will usually answer all of these detailed questions for you. But if you have never been frog or fish gigging then you may not know how to choose the best or top choice for a frog gig or bullfrog gigs choices. Check out the below as we walk you through some of these main key points and we will also give you links to actual for sale products so that you can buy them if that is your intent.
We have included in with the Top Best Frog gig and gis is the Frog Jaw Tong Grabber tool. This will allow you to grab the frogs from a distance and not actually have to hand catch them or stick them with a gig. Usually more so know for the use with snakes and more so poisonous snakes the tongs do a great job when it comes to catching frogs and bullfrogs and that is why we have included them. Maybe your wife wants to go out frog hunting but doesn't want to catch the frogs or bullfrogs by hand, this is the perfect option for her. But do realize that you will have to eventually kill or heavily stun the frogs so that you can clean them. |
What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws? Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. |