How To Hand Catch or Grab Frogs or Bullfrogs alive.
How to hand catch or grab frogs or bullfrogs alive. Now this is a SUPER fun way to catch and hunt frogs or bullfrogs on a hot and humid night around your favorite pond or marsh. Hand grabbing frogs is a little bit challenging and to some it may be a bit intimidating. The challenging part comes in a way that you have to get very very very close to the frogs to be able to actually catch or grab them alive with your hands. How to grab or catch them with your hand is easy, you simply grab them, but holding onto them and getting close to them is the tricky part. If you can get past the slippery feeling of grabbing a big fat bullfrog and if you can get close enough to them to grab them, then you have this skill licked. The one big thing on being able to learn how to hand grab or catch frogs or bullfrogs alive is stunning them and make them freeze in place. Click the Frog Legs photo above for
So you have all of your frog hunting gear and you are now out on the water. Its time to learn how to hand catch or grab the frogs or bullfrogs alive and throw them into your cooler. Also be reminded that since you are hand grabbing and catching the frogs and or bull frogs by hand that you of somebody will have to do the dead of killing them or stunning them to be able to clean them. The best way to hand grab or catch frogs or bullfrogs is to stun them in place with a VERY bright light. Preferably a Spot Light or a Head Lamp or very good flashlight. The brighter the better to stun them and to be able to stun them from further away due to the very bright light will allow you to keep them in place from a good distance away from you and or your boat. The process is very simple. Shine the light into their eyes the best that you can and then slowly creep up to the frog or bullfrog and grab them with your hands. Many times it is easier for you to have a friend helping you spot them with the light and then you are free to grab and catch them with your hands. You can also wear a head lamp and this will free up your hands so that you can use both hands to grab or catch the frogs or bullfrogs with ease. Grabbing or catching them can be done on land walking around or from the side of a boat or canoe or kayak or the like. |
What are the 50 State list of frog hunting laws? Alabama Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Alaska Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arizona Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Arkansas Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. California Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Colorado Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Connecticut Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Delaware Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Florida Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. Georgia Bull Frog Legs Hunting Laws. |